
Buying vintage jewelry

When some one is discussing buying vintage jewelry what does buying vintage jewelry mean? How can acquire more knowledge on the subject of buying vintage jewelry? Where locally can you begin your quest to start buying vintage jewelry? What does one need to know before beginning ones adventure to start buying vintage jewelry? What does one need on hand to know about when dealing with dealers who are interested in buying vintage jewelry? If one begins buying vintage jewelry, you must take your time and spend the time and leg work and to do your research first. Vintage is term that is applied to any jewelry items dating at least twenty years or older. When you start buying vintage jewelry it is important to know this. Also, when you begin buying vintage jewelry you need to be able to distinguish the different time periods. You can find dealers who are buying vintage jewelry at many places locally. You can also find ways to begin buying vintage jewelry on many different sites and online bidding sites. Again, if you are looking to buy vintage jewelry for the purposes of collecting or as an investment, you need to do your research. When you start buying vintage jewelry you should be able to identify between the high-end vintage costume and the cheap knock offs. If you’re buying vintage jewelry of the costume variety, it will be more common and cost less.

Just because a vintage jewelry piece is of one of the better-known designers doesn’t automatically make it valuable. Just like any type of jewelry piece the condition of the item directly correlates to its value. Again, vintage jewelry is any jewelry item that was made at least twenty years ago. Be wary of many vintage reproductions. This is a trend, especially in engagement rings, where for example a ring is a modern crafted piece inspired by the traits of vintage designs. Many vintage jewelry items, as previously stated will be found in the costume jewelry category. Vintage costume jewelry can be crafted from plated metals, glass, imitation gemstones, rhinestones and even plastics such as Lucite. Again, some vintage costume jewelry items can be of significant worth. Some well-known names of vintage costume jewelry include Chanel, Trifari, Carnegie, and Haskell. Just because a vintage jewelry item is of one of the better-known designers doesn’t automatically make it valuable. Try and avoid by vintage jewelry that is cracked, broken, chipped, or tarnished beyond cleaning. Collecting vintage jewelry can be a fun hobby and can greatly improve ones style and wardrobe. Even if you are not collecting antique jewelry for investment purposes, it can be a fun way to find unique jewelry items.