Amedeo Jewelry

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Amedeo Scognamiglio’s story doesn’t take after a clean account of starting, center, and end. He’s Italian, indeed, and a jewelry designer, and he’s situated in New York City. In any case, scratch underneath that early on the surface and his story parts into heap headings. Scognamiglio is a fellow benefactor of fine jewelry firm Faraone Mennella; he has his own cameo company, Amedeo; and he’s an HSN identity to boot. Mind you, he’s been doing each of the three, pretty much, in the meantime. On the off chance that this was a film, you’d require part screens to legitimately tell the story.

Situated in his office not a long way from New York City’s Diamond District, Scognamiglio begins with the place where he grew up, Torre del Greco, Italy, only south of Naples. The city has for quite some time been a cameo-manufacturing mecca, wealthy in both coral and shells, and Scognamiglio’s own particular family has been utilizing that exchange since 1857. He experienced childhood in his dad’s industrial facilities and, by age 13, was helping his craftsman mother with the outline plans. “We’d sit at the kitchen table, with the TV playing American shows like Eight Is Enough, and draw,” he reviews. Before long, Scognamiglio started cutting the shells, in spite of his folks’ protests. “They thought I was simply playing near and would squander the shells,” he says. Rather, he showed himself the specialty.

When he was in law school (“you go on the grounds that everyone in your family goes”), he was pressing in business outings to Japan, where the cameo market was exploding. It was at that point, at college, that he turned out to be closest companions with fellow student Roberto Faraone Mennella, whom he’d
known coolly experiencing childhood in Torre del Greco and who might later turn into his business accomplice. In any case, we’re losing track of what’s most important.

Initially came Scognamiglio’s breakthrough move to New York City in 1996, barely short of his 24th birthday celebration. He cleared out Italy, to some degree, to stay away from military conscription and in light of the fact that, he says, “It’s hard to work for the privately-owned company; nothing changes. I needed to explore something new.” And while extending the family appearance business stateside wasn’t simple, he had some sudden help. Faraone Mennella had gone to the city to study architecture at Parsons and, when, for example, Scognamiglio couldn’t influence a trunk to appear at Macy’s, his companion Roberto would man the counter. In any case, Scognamiglio, in the long run, hit a stopping point. “I had this inventiveness I couldn’t express,” he clarifies. “I was either going to be a sales representative for my father or be my father.” So finished coffee at a Starbucks, the two companions hatched a plan to launch their own jewelry firm, named  Faraone Mennella. The thought was to make big, bold, and gold statement jewelry with a La Dolce Vita vibe. They gave Field their starter Faraone Mennella tests and the brand made its presentation on no more noteworthy a promoting vehicle than Kim Cattrall’s attractive PR expert, Samantha Jones. 

Things were useful for the team. The press adored them, the retailers needed them. In any case, Scognamiglio and Mennella before long confronted a typical youthful planner leap: making the move from buzzy “It” status to a real flourishing business. “You need to grow up,” Scognamiglio says. “The retailers need you to help them. You stress over making a decent living. Rather than planning on account of your client, you center around the spreadsheet—and that is its finish. Express gratitude toward God, we went there, battled, and conquered that.”

Scognamiglio’s success with Faraone Mennella likewise enabled him to clear his own particular manner as a  sixth-generation cameo maker. In 2006, he launched his Amedeo line and opened a boutique on the Upper East Side, committed to his interpretation of the traditional cameo. “I began with big rings; I didn’t have a single brooch,” he reviews. “It was exceptionally dangerous.” That’s the reason he went the retail course first. “I didn’t need stores to disclose to me what they needed. I had to comprehend what I needed,” he proceeds. “In the event that you don’t know how to offer, stock, and present your line, you can’t anticipate that different stores will do it for you.”

Scognamiglio yields that his HSN appearance accumulation, now called Amedeo NYC, helped reinforce alternate brands amid the harder years; every one of the three exists under the umbrella organization RFMAS Group Inc. Come spring, there will be another expansion to the stable: Scognamiglio and Faraone Mennella are debuting a diffusion spin-off of their fine jewelry line, RFMAS Studio, on HSN. The contributions will be audaciously fun and splashy—monstrous cabochon neckline necklaces and candy-colored bejeweled cuffs, enlivened by their higher-valued couture accumulation.

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